Caffeine Content Of Some Foods And Drinks

Caffeine Content Of Some Foods And Drinks

I know most of us rely on caffeine to keep going and looking to get a cup of joe as soon as we start our day. However, we may need to lower our caffeine intake in some cases including pregnancy. Consuming high amounts of caffeine during conception is also found to have a negative effect on getting pregnant. Make sure to discuss this further with your healthcare provider if you are TTC.

Caffeine needs to be limited to 200 mg/day during pregnancy to avoid any side effects in our babies.

Brewed coffee, 8 oz. 95 – 165 mg
Brewed coffee, decaf, 8 oz. 2 – 5 mg
Espresso, 1 oz. 47 – 75 mg
Latte, 8 oz. 63 – 126 mg
Dark chocolate 1.5 oz 30 - 40 mg
Milk Chocolate 1.5 oz 10 - 15 mg
Soft Drinks 12 oz 35 mg
Green Tea 6 oz 40 mg
Black Tea 6 oz 45 mg

There are average caffeine content for coffee below, I recommend to check the specific blend & café that you purchase from for specific levels.

This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information in this or other posts are not intended to give you medical advice or should not be substituted with medical advice. Please see your health care provider for individualized treatment plans and recommendations.

If you are expecting, feel free to join my FB group where we share our current and previous experiences with other mom-to-be’s!

Stay healthy and shine with your baby!



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